September 9, 2015

baby contest!

little andrew was in hooper tomato day's baby contest and guess what! he won! 
his new name is jr. cherry tomato prince! hahaha 
we've been calling him prince the last couple days. we're such proud parents. 
i am so happy we put him in the contest. it was such a fun memory 
that brandon and i will always have. we had family there supporting little andrew 
and it was a great start to labor day weekend!
^^before the show started.... look at those blue eyes!^^
^^andrew did really well up there. he's now at the point he wants to stand and one second later he wants to sit and another second he wants to be eating something. ha always moving now!^^
^^andrew has been giving kisses lately to me and I JUST LOVE IT SO DARN MUCH. i might have slobber all over my face afterwords but i don't even care. keep the kisses coming andrew.^^
^^flirting with the judge!^^
^^didn't like the taste of that very well. ha!^^
^^him and daddy entered the "look alike contest" even though i think he looks more like me anyways they didn't win another guy and his baby did and i will say they were twins!^^
^^waiting to hear the awards!^^
^^jr. cherry tomato prince andrew grange!!!^^
^^he really really really didn't like wearing that thing. ha!^^
^^the little miss jr. cherry tomato princess!^^
^^aaannnnd as you can tell andrew has had enough at this point. 
best friends with our babies! so insane to think we're both moms and being grown ups and
 good job stratton for looking at the camera. ha ha!^^
i andrew grange do not want to wear this crown or take one more dang picture! 
that's what he was saying through his crying. ha ha 
it was a good time and yes after we went home and he slept for 3 hours! ha 
it's so exhausting being a prince. 

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