August 30, 2021

Happy One Year Emerie!


Happy ONE Year Baby Girl! 
I can't believe my little girl is one already. 
Fastest Year Ever. 
I love having a little girl. 
She loves me so much and I love her so much! 
She is such a sweet heart and I want to keep her little forever. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month*
-Can hold sippy cup up by herself
-Wears 9 month and 12 month clothing 
-Takes 2/3 naps 
-Mommy's girl 100% 
-Walks everywhere 
-Loves Peek a boo / Where did Emerie go 
-Can say mama and dada 
-Weighs 18 pounds 
- 28 1/2 Inches tall 
-Has 8 teeth 
-Wearing size 3 diapers 
-56% Height, 31% Weight and 93% for Head
-Loves to climb on everything
-Loves bath time 
-Loves to be outside and play with ride on toys 
-Loves Cheerios, fruit and bread 
-Walks to me and gives mama hugs 
-Loves mom and dads bed 

We love you little girl! 

July 22, 2021

Happy 11 months Emerie!


I have heard so much in the past months "don't blink" 
and it's TRUE! 
Don't blink because before you know it - my baby girl is 11 months old! 
I'm not really sure how that happened but she is almost one. 
We are still smitten over her like we were the second we got to meet her. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month*
-Loves squinting her eyes when she smilies 
-Loves big people food
-Starting walking (fastest walker out of the grange babies) 
-100% mommy's girl 
-Loves to climb the stairs 
-Loves the toy car 
-Takes 2/3 naps 
-Loves sleeping in mom and dads bed and loves to eat in the night 
-Throws her head back when she is upset 
-Wearing 9 month and 12 month clothing 
-Wearing size 3 diapers 
-Loves to fake laugh especially if others are laughing 
-Has 7 teeth 
-Loves opening cabinet doors and pulling clothes out of dressers 
-Loves to play peekaboo or Where did Emerie go 
-Sticks her hand straight out to say hi or what she wants 
-Is a little daredevil and climbs on everything 
-Cut her hair for the first time 

We love you little miss!!! 

June 25, 2021

Happy 10 Months Emerie!

My little girl is two months from being one?!? 
I really can't believe it. 
We are still so smitten over her. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Mama's girl to the max 
-Has 6 teeth 
-Hair is getting lighter 
-started biting 
-Likes to fake laugh 
-Loves to stand up on things 
-Loves to push cars or the walker and walk 
-Wears 3 month diapers 
-Takes 3 to 4 naps 
-Wearing 9 month clothing 
-Loves big people food 
-Loves sleeping in mom and dads bed 
-Has her hair in ponytails everyday 
-Talks all the time 
-Her long hair in the back has curls 
-Loves playing with her brothers 
-Loves getting her belly rubbed 

We love you little sister!!! 


May 24, 2021

Happy 9 Months Emerie!


I can't believe my baby girl is 9 months old! 
She's been out in this world as long as it took to grow her! So crazy. 
Time really does go too fast. 
She is such a fun happy little baby. We love her all so much. She's everyones favorite! 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Started sucking her thumb 
-Started crawling 
-Can Move from crawling to sitting position
-Started getting all 4 teeth in on top 
-Pulls herself up onto things 
-Sat up in a grocery cart for the first time 
-Starting talking, saying baba baba 
-Loves getting rubbed all over her body. She freezes up. 
-Started using the push walker 
-Takes 3/4 naps
-Wears 6 and 9 month clothing
-Size 3 diapers 
-Loves sleeping on her tummy
-Loves playing with her brothers 
-27 1/2 inches tall 
-17 pounds and 8 ounces 
-45% for Length, 31% for weight and 92% Head 
-Started to wave 
-Started eating Puffs Cereal Bites 
-Is a major mama girl

We love you little girl so much! Happy 9 months sweet thing! 


May 6, 2021

Happy 6 Years Andrew!


My little one turned 6! 
I can't believe Andrew is already 6 years old. 

I love this kid with my whole heart. 
Andrew loves legos, transformers, figuring and building things to see how they work. 
He loves bugs and coloring and being a boy! 
He loves to ride his bike and fly drones. 
He loves junk and collecting things. 
He loves to eat popcorn and could eat bag after bag! 

He is spirited and oh so smart. 
We are so blown away by how he's a genius. 
We always say we can't wait to see what he grows up to be! 

We love you Andrew so much! 

April 25, 2021

Happy 8 Months Emerie!

8 months! 8 months! 
I can't even believe it myself. 
She is a real life baby doll and we are just so in love with her. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Started sleeping without being swaddled 
-Learned to drink through a straw 
-Started to attempt to get into the crawling position
-Sits up better and longer 
-Wears size 2 diapers  
-Wears size 6 months and 6-9 month clothing 
-Has major stranger danger 
-Loves to be thrown up in the air 
-Reaches for who she wants to go to
-Rolls over faster from back to tummy back to back 
-Put her hair in pony for the first time 
-Takes 3/4 naps a day 

We love you little Emerie. 

March 24, 2021

Happy 7 Months Emerie!


Happy 7 months baby girl!! 
I can't believe she is growing up so dang fast! 
She was just a little newborn and now she's more playful and its like wow when did this happen! 
We love you so much little girl. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Started to stare 
-Loves when daddy brushes his teeth 
-Wearing 6 month clothing 
-Size 2 diapers 
-Got her second dose of the Flu Shot 
-Takes 3/4 naps 
-Rolls over so fast and hates being on her tummy 
-Loves the bath
-Two bottom teeth poked all the way through
-Has major stranger danger 
-Loves watching her brothers 
-Started sleeping with her arms out of the swaddle 
-Started using the walker 

Love you little miss!! 

February 20, 2021

Happy 6 Months Emerie!


Somehow I blinked and my baby girl turned 6 months old?!! How and when? 
She is the light of our lives. 
We love her smily happy personality. 
We do anything to hear her giggle and we simply just can't get enough of her. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Started rolling over a lot more 
-Hated Bananas and Peaches the first couple of times 
-Can sit by herself with support
-Two front bottom teeth poked through 
-27 Inches Tall 
-14 Pounds and 12 ounces 
-90% height, 23% height and 91% head 
-Loves to stare at daddy
-Watching and playing with her brothers is her favorite 
-Loves to jump in jumper 
-Loves to eat baby food
-Wears 6 month clothing 
-Size 2 diapers 
-Mama is her favorite
-Take 3/4 naps a day 
-Loves the bath 
-Likes to read books and fill the pages
-Started showing stranger danger
-Started to grunt/moan when she wants attention 
-Started to reach towards the person so they will hold her


January 21, 2021

Happy Five Months Emerie!


Happy five months baby girl! 
Oh my goodness how I love her so much! 
She brings such a happiness and joy into our home. 
We are all still completely smitten by her. 

*Little Emerie Within The Last Month* 
-Rolled Over 
-Loves grabbing toes and eating them
-Started Baby Food. Started with Cereal but so far loves sweet potatoes and apples best 
-Started rubbing eyes when tired 
-Can grab things
-Starting giving kisses
-Likes to squeal 
-Started using the jumper 
-Wearing 6 month and some 3 month and 3-6 month clothing 
-Size 2 diapers 
-Loves the bath time still 
-Whimpers when wants to be picked up 
-Wakes up one time in the night but started doing the 4 month sleep regression 
-Takes 4 naps a day 
-Her brothers make her laugh 
-Starting to droll a lot
-Likes to snuggle her face into our neck/shoulders 


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