This would be my love and I at the firework show smooching away. I really like this photo, but I'm getting out of order here so lets start at the beginning of the day. My niece was barely able to be in the baby contest (she's growing up) sad sad... but anyways, Saturday morning I'm laying in bed and I get a phone call saying she's going to be in it and it was in 45 minutes away, I'm pretty sure I've never jumped out of bed that fast. She was so darn cute, their was about 20 babies or so just in her age group, it was a little out of control. During the contest the announcer stated a "fact" that a lady had 69 kids. YA RIGHT! When I die, I want to meet this lady.

^^the girl on the left is my niece, she is obsessssssed with my cell phone, and the little lady on the right would be my cousins baby. This is when we were waiting for their age group, it seriously took forever.
^^yes, she is grabbing for me :)^^
^^it was such a long wait husband went and got doughnuts which were divine^^

^^that evening Hooper was having a free dinner for all the Hooper people, (yes, I know I don't technically live there anymore but that place will always be my home) any ways, that dinner was soooo good. My goodness tomatoes and corn from Hooper are really the best.^^
^^sometimes my brother is a pain ha ha^^
The firework show was pretty impressive. It made me sad to think that was probably the last firework show till next summer. I love Labor Days/ Tomato Days it makes me feel proud to be raised in a small town. Thanks Tomato Days for all your hard work and fun!
I love seeing your cute pictures! Carolyn