I can't believe my baby girl is 9 months old!
She's been out in this world as long as it took to grow her! So crazy.
Time really does go too fast.
She is such a fun happy little baby. We love her all so much. She's everyones favorite!
*Little Emerie Within The Last Month*
-Started sucking her thumb
She's been out in this world as long as it took to grow her! So crazy.
Time really does go too fast.
She is such a fun happy little baby. We love her all so much. She's everyones favorite!
*Little Emerie Within The Last Month*
-Started sucking her thumb
-Started crawling
-Can Move from crawling to sitting position
-Can Move from crawling to sitting position
-Started getting all 4 teeth in on top
-Pulls herself up onto things
-Sat up in a grocery cart for the first time
-Starting talking, saying baba baba
-Loves getting rubbed all over her body. She freezes up.
-Started using the push walker
-Takes 3/4 naps
-Wears 6 and 9 month clothing
-Size 3 diapers
-Loves sleeping on her tummy
-Loves playing with her brothers
-27 1/2 inches tall
-17 pounds and 8 ounces
-45% for Length, 31% for weight and 92% Head
-Started to wave
-Started eating Puffs Cereal Bites
-Is a major mama girl
We love you little girl so much! Happy 9 months sweet thing!