two weeks ago we planted our garden and flowers for the year!
i look forward to this every year!
i love going to the nursery and looking at all the flowers and coming home and planting them!
it's always a fun evening when we do that!
^^so messy! but so much fun! just give them another month or so and they will all be more grown and even more prettier! i'm sure i'll have a photoshoot of my flowers then! haha!^^
^^every year we buy this hanging strawberry plant and andrew was all about this year!
he just reached as high as he could to grab all of the strawberries he could! he loved them!^^
dirty fingers from planting! nothing is better!
i'm so glad andrew is learning already that being outside is important and from hard work
you can grow your own food! he loves to help me water every day.
i'm glad i'm creating these memories with him!